Completed projects
We engaged in a broad portfolio of projects.
- NHS England National Preceptorship Programme
- Allied Health Professionals’ mental health, learning disability and autism observatory
- Ten-year drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce strategy
Perinatal mental health competency framework review
Preparing for the Mental Health Act reforms
Evaluating the FY21-22 Health Education England funding for clinical support workers in mental health settings
Mapping perinatal mental health learning outcomes for education commissioning and multi-professional credentialing programme
Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner training evaluation
Children and young people’s mental health inpatient workforce development framework
Testing the impact of the stress and resilience framework on staff wellbeing
Retaining mental health nurses in the last third of their career
Mental health nursing post-registration national standards
Development and career progression for ethnic minority and disabled groups
Preparing the workforce for the proposed Mental Health Act reform
Supporting good mental health in your patients with long term conditions
Building on the mental health support workforce to meet service requirements
Band 6 aspiring manager leader role for mental health
Enhancing the skills of registered nurses in CYP mental health
Maximising efficiency in psychological professions’ training routes
Review of mental health e-learning
Supporting promotion of mental health careers and developing psychology graduate career pathways
Enhancing management of psychological distress and promoting systemic resilience