Perinatal mental health

To consider workforce competency and training provision to support the expansion of perinatal services


The unit was commissioned to develop a national competency framework for the perinatal workforce and to survey existing and planned perinatal mental health training across England, against the competencies in the perinatal competency framework


A Perinatal Competency Framework with associated training map, available on the e-Learning for Health portal.

Head to the Perinatal Competency Framework on the e-learning for health website


Health Education England, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, the national perinatal leads network, Institute of Health Visiting, Royal College of General Practitioners, Anne Freud National Centre for Children and Families, Warwick Medical School, Royal College of Psychiatrists, British Psychological Society, Royal College of Midwives, Maternal Mental Health Alliance, Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Medway Maritime Hospital, Liverpool University, independent consultants.

Project lead

Jo Maitland, Perinatal Mental Health Training and Service Development Lead

Alert: The National Workforce Skills Development Unit has now closed

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