NHS England National Preceptorship Programme

Staff member working

The National Preceptorship Programme concluded on the 31 March 2024. This website is no longer updated.

The programme team would like to thank colleagues for their contribution to this work.

The National Preceptorship Framework for Nursing (October 2022) is a collectively agreed set of standards and framework for good practice in preceptorship.

198 organisations achieved the Interim Quality Mark for preceptorship. The full list is provided here. The IQM is no longer open for submissions.

Programme baseline and First Year Review data is available here.

The slide presentation from our final ‘Celebrating Preceptorship’ event on 11 March 2024 in Central London can be viewed here.
The recording of the event will be made available soon.

The resources developed by the National Preceptorship Programme team to support implementation will be available until March 2025.

For more information

For national enquiries:
Winnie George
National Programme Lead (Retention), Looking After Our People Retention Programme
Workforce Training and Education Directorate, NHS England

For regional enquiries:
South West England – Amanda Shobrook
South East England – Debbie Knight
London – Jacqueline Robinson-Rouse
East of England – Debbie Cubitt
Midlands – Lucy Johnson
North West – Danielle Beswick
North East and Yorkshire – Eileen Aylott

Alert: The National Workforce Skills Development Unit has now closed

This website has been archived and is no longer updated.