Maximising efficiency in psychological professions’ training route
Our project investigated whether training routes for Children and Young People Wellbeing Practitioners (CWPs), adult Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWPs) and Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs) could be made more efficient considering the potential overlap between the three roles. We also looked at career opportunities and challenges for CWPs and EMHPs. Download our findings below:
Final report – Maximising efficiency in psychological professions’ training routes
As part of the project we commissioned the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health’s (NCCMH) to conduct a competency analysis:
NCCMH report – Maximising efficiency in psychological professions’ training routes
NCCMH Matrix – Comparative matrix of competences (adult PWP, CWP and EMHP)
Health Education England who commissioned this work has put together a response to our report, addressing our recommendations.
HEE Response – HEE Response to NSWDU on Maximising Efficiency
Approved clinicians guide
The Multi-Professional Approved / Responsible Clinician Implementation Guide, referred to as Approved Clinicians Guide, has now been published.
This document provides guidance to NHS organisations and partner agencies looking to implement multi-professional approved (AC) and responsible clinician (RC) roles.
The adoption of the Approved Clinician role will allow patients to benefit from the unique perspectives of nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and psychologists.
To read the full guide click here.
More information
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us and email
Attitudes towards mental health careers in the NHS
For this project, we looked at attitudes towards mental health careers. We commissioned a literature review and undertook a survey investigating attitudes towards mental health nursing specifically. Download all deliverables for this project below:
Final report – Attitudes towards mental health careers
Literature review –Review of attitudes towards mental health careers in the NHS (Nuffield Trust Review)
Enhancing the skills of nurses caring for children and young people with mental health presentations
Nurses make up almost 30% of the children and young people’s mental health workforce and this area is a key focus in the Long Term Plan. For this project, we undertook a survey exploring nurses views on their skills and training in the area of children and young people’s mental health. We engaged an expert advisory group of nursing stakeholders working across universities and the NHS to explore the skills and training needs of nurses.
Download the final report for this project below:
Final report –Enhancing the skills of nurses caring for children and young people with mental health presentations
Psychology graduates – Mental health nursing
This rapid review explored barriers potentially preventing psychology graduates from studying accelerated mental health nursing courses, and solutions for overcoming those barriers.. The report can be downloaded here:
Final report – Psychology graduates – Mental Health Nursing
Supporting promotion of mental health careers and developing psychology graduate career pathways
For this project, we investigated the complexity of mental health career pathways, identified issues and made recommendations. A summary of all the work can be downloaded here:
Final report – Supporting promotion of mental health careers and developing psychology graduate career pathways
We also particularly looked into the issues around diversity and career progression. More detailed reports can be downloaded below:
Diversity – Analysis and recommendations on diversity of the mental health workforce
Career progression – Analysis and recommendations on career progression in the mental health workforce
As part of the project, we commissioned the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH) to undertake further investigation into psychology graduates’ attitudes towards mental health careers. The report can be downloaded here:
Final report – Mental Health Careers and Psychology Graduate Career Pathways – NCCMH
Appendices – Mental Health Careers and Psychology Graduate Career Pathways – NCCMH