To raise awareness and optimise the development of multi-disciplinary approved / responsible clinician roles within organisations across England in supporting the NHS Long Term Plan.
Mental Health Act 2007 made it possible for a broader range of multi-disciplinary professionals including Psychologists, Nurses, Occupational Therapists and Social Workers to train as an Approved Clinician (AC), who are then able to act as a Responsible Clinician (RC). The project is designed to support the four relevant professional groups through the process of AC approval, whilst also raising awareness of these extended roles within organisations.
A national application in practice of the MHA 2007 legal framework, skills and competency requirements for the four professional roles. A National Implementation Toolkit. This will include a sample business case for MH leads/Exec, guidelines for study leave, role descriptors, renumeration following approval.
Northumbria University, Royal College of Psychiatrists, NHS England and NHS Improvement, Winterhead Ltd, Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, St Andrew’s Healthcare, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust.
The Multi-Professional Approved / Responsible Clinician Implementation Guide, referred to as Approved Clinicians Guide, has now been published.
This document provides guidance to NHS organisations and partner agencies looking to implement multi-professional approved (AC) and responsible clinician (RC) roles.
The adoption of the Approved Clinician role will allow patients to benefit from the unique perspectives of nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and psychologists.
To read the full guide click here
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