- It is about saying to NQNs that you matter – that we as an organisation are committed to supporting and developing you. Essential for feeding into retention.
- Supporting a healthy mental health and wellbeing. We are an extension of the clinical area supporting new ideas and encouraging development.
- Essential to help newly qualified nurses to settle.
- Preceptorship offers support to new nurses not only clinically but also psychologically, mentally and emotionally. Provides a ‘sense of community’, peer support with similar experiences and values.
- Preceptorship is opening the curtain to our organisational culture. Is this a place they are valued, invested in and a place they can flourish? If we invest in our new workforce we will drive high quality care through a highly educated workforce. Our new practitioners are our patient advocates and leaders of the future. Let’s invest in them.
- It’s a recognition. Improve the morale and give good experience. Helps to improve retention. Give confidence over competence. Sense of belonging.
- Belongingness. Getting the right confidence. Getting the right support. Security in getting it right.
- Confidence, sense of belonging, networking – they know others are experiencing the same!
- Recognition of newly qualified staff and their needs. Confidence, feeling valued, autonomy. Support. Value: are more happy and effective workforce.
- Preceptorship matters because it helps build a community and support for new nurses. As an intern from the US this is very new to me, when I graduate I won’t have the opportunity to be supported by a preceptorship programme. The value of preceptorship is to create retention (support).
- Building practice confidence. Embedding CPD at early career stage. Valuing, supporting, developing and RETAINING a workforce you need for the future.
- Preceptorship is the front door welcome which encourages belonging at a national level – consistency for a workforce.
- It provides the foundation of ‘nursing in practice’ in the real world. Value: supports or newly qualifieds and IENs to find their confidence and become autonomous practitioners.
- Preceptorship matters to recruit newly qualifying students. To support during transition to practitioner. To guide towards becoming an expert. To network and exchange experiences. To retain our workforce.
- Preceptorship matters because everyone should be offered the support and sense of belonging they need within their early career.
- I really enjoyed my preceptorship experience. Now l lead preceptorship I hope to give people a great experience too. I love to see the staff progress and I see the positive difference the programme makes. It brings people together!
- Provides a solid foundation of clinical and pastoral support to new registrants. Aids retention, morale, motivation and recruitment.
- It enables newly qualified staff to feel supported, confident and competent in his or her role.
- Provide the transition into a new role. Supports staff to be confident and competent.
- Staff need to feel valued and respected to remain within the trust. Preceptorship provides engagement, respect and value to newly qualified staff.
- Ensuring new nurses are supported and develop their confidence. Improves patient safety, improves experience, improves retention.
- Enables early career nurses to take charge of their career and make decisions that mean they feel supported and stay in the profession.
- Value of belonging. Confidence leading to competence. Socialisation into a role and aids retention.
- Improves experience of new registrants’ time in trust. Share experience and support each other.
- It matters to offer support, this is what nurses value, being with each other for supervision sessions. Matters to me – I see the value from feedback now I have from programmes. Preceptorship for the organisation is linked to pathway to excellence accreditation, retention and wellbeing.
- Key recruitment and retention strategy. Value newly registered staff and help them feel like they belong in the trust. Develop from novice to confident practitioners.
- The welcome and socialisation into the culture of being a health professional. The formation of a supportive network that develops the future workforce.
- Supports quality and development. Produces the professionals of the future. Supports lifelong learning and longer term retention.
- It looks at the needs of individuals and personal growth and development. I run preceptorship for international nurses focusing on cultural differences between nursing in the UK compared to abroad. This support will focus on the holistic needs of the learner.
- Preceptorship matters because it helps with transition of NRP into their role. It helps retention. Staff feeling valued and supported.
- It helps newly qualified nurses to build confidence and develop a sense of belonging . It helps NQ nurses feel supported and valued and invested in by the trust. It’s vital for developing the future workforce.
- Develop confidence, build resilience.
- This is important to support newly registered practitioners in their new roles. Organisations also benefit from a structural programme as supported people are far more likely to stay.
- Preceptorship is invaluable! Not just newbies – think of the value to preceptors – think of the value to the trust. Pride, role model, profession.
- Preceptorship is key in supporting and valuing our workforce, enabling them to feel in charge of their professional development.
- Every transition is stressful, however exciting, so providing support from peers, preceptors and training is vital. There is nothing more satisfying (aside from caring for patients!) than seeing people develop and grow in confidence.
- Support NRN at their most vulnerable time (fight or flight) starts to build a ‘toolkit’. Networking is always helpful for preceptees.
- It has never been a more challenging time to be a newly qualified professional within the NHS. Preceptees need our support now more than ever. We need nurses to feel valued from the very beginning of their careers.
- The opportunity to step in to protect and support preceptees (preceptors) when things don’t go well. Guide good practice. Set the standard.
- To promote professionalism and pride, recognising the support needed during the transition from student to qualified practitioner. Its value is to promote safety and positive outcomes for patients and family.
- Understanding what opportunities are available. Supporting newly qualified to ensure high standards right from the beginning of their career.
- Preceptorship matters as it encourages and supports newly qualified practitioners have a safe place to escalate and discuss any concerns. Investing in creates a more engaging team.
- Preceptorship matters because transition from student to NQN is recognised as an extremely challenging period. The value of preceptorship is being a support to NQNs, external to their clinical areas.
- Pastoral care, support/confidence boost, signposting, troubleshooting, can be the difference to staying or leaving. It is vital.
- Important support for new nurses, to keep nurses employed. Being a critical/professional friend for nurses working in isolation.
- Preceptorship supports staff through the ‘new NHS normal’ and embed belonging.
- Better quality care and outcomes for patients. Belonging to a trust/organisation or professional. High quality/highly motivated staff.
- Preceptorship matters because you only have the one chance to get it right.
- Retention, progression, be empowered to raise concern.
- Helps to introduce you into the trust and environment. Helps people to feel welcome. Gives people a chance to talk to others and open up about their experiences and how they feel.
- Professional pride. Creating an early sense of belonging.
- Preceptorship is valued within our trust. It matters because NQ staff need support and skills to be able to navigate NHS working, retention etc.
- Preceptorship focuses in developing the individual by increasing the knowledge they already have and building those essential skills (including soft skills). The value of preceptorship not only benefits the individual/preceptee but also the trust, colleagues and patients. Increased knowledge and confidence, leadership and critical thinking and decision making, reflection and retention.
- Provides a strong foundation to develop and retain our new workforce. To help shape the future standards of the NHS.
- Value to me personally – legacy! Value to my organisation – retention of staff, job satisfaction. Value to preceptees – feeling welcome, safe and growing in confidence. Value to preceptors – feeling valued, sharing knowledge.
- Support and learning for new nurses in primary care. Looking at transitional skills from secondary to primary care skills. Promotes retention, encourages sharing, improving care.
- It is so important for qualifying students to know they will be supported at a very daunting time.
- Retention, makes staff feel valued, improves resilience and confidence.
- Building confidence to support individuals to become competent, confident, autonomous practitioners.
- Makes the individual feel valued and invested in.
- Integrating a culture of support for all; empowering practitioners to focus on continuous development and building confidence.
- Preceptorship provides the framework to guide and support new nurses holistically as they start their nursing career journey. Providing them with tools to function independently and safely.
- Supporting our future workforce, feeling valued and that newly registered staff feel valued. Developing confidence and competence, support a reflective career.
- Helps new nurses to feel valued and that they matter. To ensure they are not dropped into the deep end.
- To me, the importance of preceptorship is about instilling a good work ethic and understanding for our staff to be able to deliver good quality patient care, through both compassionate care and strong multidisciplinary understanding and working.
- Preceptorship matters because during this time it helps support the NQNs, IENs, NA in their transition to independent practitioners. Enhanced patient care and experience. Improved recruitment and retention. To have more confident and skilled nurses.
- To protect and develop our newly registered workforce. Support them to become competent, confident, autonomous practitioners. To develop skills and awareness around career development, leadership, research and QI, education and clinical practice. To support integrated learning across MDT and across sector.
- Support, confidence, transition, consolidation.
- The effort people put in to qualify as a nurse/nurse associate needs to be respected. Preceptorship helps with this. Feeling lonely and/or not having a sense of belonging is horrible. Preceptorship helps with this. Growing confidence in new nurses/nurse associates is essential.
- Personal – my future nurse. Time and retention. Every nurse should feel valued and like the belong – preceptee and preceptor.
- Delivery of quality and safe patient care. Retention in terms of massive recruitment. Transition programme and career progression.
- It helps the staff feel they belong to the team. It also gives them time to transition from being a student to being newly qualified. Preceptorship is paramount. It allows individual to feel valued in the organisation.
- IPL approach much appreciated in NMAHP preceptorship. Supporting transition, feeling included. Retention/career longevity/developing professional resilience. Cultural and professional adaptation of international nurses – optimisation of international skilled workforce.
- It helps to give a smooth transition into a new professional role. It helps to maintain high professional standards as there is a process that ensures continuous transferring of skills.
- Start to being a professional. Support, peer support.
- To support NQNs as can feel overwhelmed. To provide a platform for learning and development. To provide a forum for peer support. To help with the transition from S/N to NQN. Through ALS provide space to reflect and decompress.
- An opportunity for peer support with staff working in different areas who may be able to offer different perspectives. Evidence that the trust/organisation is invested in nurses’ education and development. Opportunity for preceptees to gain a greater idea of their options.
- Transition student nurse to registered probably biggest transition in your career. A chance to be kind, guide and be a confidant. Next generation nurses, provide roots to retain happy staff. A go to person/team. Set the standards.
- Support for new registrants.
- Support of transition between student and practitioner. Helping bridge theory to practice.
- To enable our newly qualified practitioners build autonomy and enable their professional and personal development. To overall promote staff wellbeing thereby help us retain staff.
- Gives a voice, hones skills, ensures understanding of the need to maintain competencies and to take these forward.
- Important to keep staff and what matters to them how they may develop and how to use when coming from accreditation transfer into working practice. Then become preceptor themselves because set perspectives.
- Mimicking theory and practice. Giving voice to support for the new registrant.
- For the development of future workforce. It helps develop confidence as a student.
- I feel that the preceptorship programme matters because it is the kind of programme that gives NQNs the confidence that they need to start their nursing career confident, a value for the organisation that they are working for. Preceptorship is a valuable programme. It gives nurses the knowledge, confidence to be comfortable in the clinical area and make NQNs aware that other nurses are going through similar situations and they are not alone. Preceptorship programme can give NQNs in the long run the feeling of belonging to an organisation that invests/cares for their wellbeing and want to help them to feel safety on their job.
- Broaden perspective of nursing from their clinical area. Makes new registrants feel they belong to something. Encouraging pride in nursing career and acknowledging it’s hard – sense of belonging.
- Platform for all the new preceptees – from all professions (RCN/NA/return to practice/IENs) to learn under safe environment. Hone knowledge/skills, voice and reflect without any judgement. It aids in retention of staff as well as support preceptees in their early career.
- Sense of belonging and support. Develop a programme from an early career. Having guidance and a recognised programme with accreditation. Embraces that community of practice.
- It helps sets the standard of the organisation and nurses knowing they have something to get out of it. It builds confidence clarity for a preceptee’s career. Building a preceptee to a developed preceptor.
- A safe place to learn, share and make mistakes. Preceptorship values the impact of the preceptees and what support they need to continue to make a difference. Understanding the history of nursing. What it is and how we can make it better but respecting the contribution of others in the 21st century.
- Provides support / pastoral care. Guidance. Identifies individual needs.
- Provides the foundations of early career development. Provides high quality patient care. Welcomes early career professionals to the workforce and the beginning of continual CPD.
- Make staff feel valued, supported, empowered and that they belong. Preceptorship helps build professional identity – for three years you’ve been a student wearing a different outfit. Preceptorship is a mindset shift at the beginning of lifelong learning.
- To have a standardised supportive approach to give to new nurses is so appropriate to help keep staff happy and nurtured.
- Preceptorship matters because it helps newly qualified nurses to feel integrated and part of a new trust. Allows everyone to discuss their thoughts and how they feel.
- Knowing that our newly registered professionals feel safe, supported and happy at work. As a preceptorship team – to create safe spaces to debrief and encourage and listen.
- Large number of new grads leaving profession. Ensure new staff feel valued and equipped to start their careers. Early MDT integration. Peer support.
- Recognition of transition to becoming an accountable decision-maker needs to be high profile. Support and kindness should be natural not mandatory but mandate is required to do it. Peer support should be recognised as standard.
- Need for safe place. Focus on mentorship but yet when qualifying – especially with pressures and staff wanting to go straight to community than acute. SSSAs – PAs straight away. Value – impact on progression and retention – empowered to raise concerns, FTSU.
- Reflective coaching, supportive network. Prep for real work situation. Retention, progression, safe space.
- Preceptorship helps our newly registered practitioners to transition in their role. It also offers a supportive network. This impacts on retention and progression.
- Supportive network. Competencies – skills/soft skills. Transitioning. Safe space. Retention, progression, empower to raise concern and power through. Develops staff to understand their role. Makes new nurses feel supported in their transition.
- To make newly qualified staff feel like they belong. Helps to signpost and support staff. Helps with retention.
- To be valued and respected. Belonging and being part of a team. Feeling worthwhile, building confidence, allowed to thrive.
- Preceptorship is key in new nurses feeling supported and valued. It enables them to become confident nurses.
- Staff feel valued, supports retention, develops the workforce, structured programme of support for new registrants.
- Building confidence by developing ‘soft skills’. Supporting the transition from student to accountable and registered healthcare professional. Promoting wellbeing and a sense of belonging.
- Preceptorship values nurses at the early stage of their careers. It sends a message that we (the profession) know that transition to being an RN can be challenging.
- Getting a sense of the wider system. Offering high level support so that primary care can be credibly seen as a first destination career.
- Because our nurses/AHPs matter. It’s important to give people the opportunity and space to grow and develop and a safe space to share experiences with peers or seek support outside of their workplace. And the value will be when staff feel valued.
- It is so important for our student to see they will be getting support in their first roles. It gives them help – reassurance.
- This is how we value and grow the future workforce. For me working with preceptees is the most fulfilling part of my role. Now seeing preceptee back as preceptors is fabulous.
- This is how we demonstrate belonging to an organisation and the NHS family – a fundamental part of the NHS People Promise.
- Sense of belonging and ‘welcome’ to the profession. Support, help to transition. Essential.
- Socialisation in the profession and feeling of belonging and ‘doing it right’. Retention of highly motivated staff.
- Retention. Making people feel at home.
- Wellbeing, retention, competencies, confidence.
- It is a fundamental contribution to growing and valuing the individual nurse and the profession.
- Preceptorship is essential to help new registrants navigate their new role and the accountability they now have. It’s a guiding hand and a shoulder to lean on.
- It helps with support, learning approach. A welcome to the organisation. Recruitment and retention, it makes the NQN feel valued, encourages learning.